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Welcome To Our Online Shop

To order from our online shop, simply browse our forever items gallery below. Please scroll completely through each group, as the grids are just a preview. There are Earrings, Bracelets, and Jewelry Sets (in that order) Each item has a call number that you can use to order, When you are ready and armed with your call numbers, Click on the page that says "Check Out" and type your call numbers in the subject area. In the body, include any questions, requests, or concerns you may have, and your email address. Once you hit send, you will receive a confirmation email with a link for payment within a day. This format makes it much easier to give you a unique piece for an affordable price.

Check Out....

To put in an order for our forever items, please fill out this order form. Don't forget to include all of your call numbers for your requested items and your contact and shipping information. In the "message" box, include any color or material changes, order concerns, coupon codes or special instructions you may have for your order. Also, please ensure that you include the quantity of items you desire. You will be contacted via email or phone within 2 days to confirm your order and complete the purchase.

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